So you’re looked up in quarantine and bored af? No worries, I’ve prepared something for you. Here are 31 music producer memes that will make you laugh your damn ass off.
If you’d like to constantly get entertainment within the next few months also make sure to give my Instagram page a follow. I post producer memes like these on a daily basis.
Most posts are fan submissions or reposts from other pages, but some of them are self made or were created in collaboration with my friend Jon Sine (his memes went quite viral in the past months so you probably already saw some of them).
Anyway, since every good meme gets posted to multiple pages it’s hard to find out the original creator, so please make sure to watch out for watermarks 😉

FL Studio Memes
This slider contains all memes related to Image Line, FL Studio or Soundgoodizer. Please keep in mind that these memes haven’t been made by Image-Line and neither me or the creators are affiliated or endorsed by the Image-Line company in any way.
Speaking of FL Studio, feel free to check out this list of free flps.

Beat Maker Memes
If you’re a beat maker mainly making trap or hip hop and every EDM sub genre sounds the same to you the previous memes might haven’t been relatable to you. No worries, just take a look at these ones.
Oh, since you’re a beat maker you might want to take a look at my Serum 808 presets 😉

I really hope you’ll make it through everything without any problems and that I could make your quarantine at least a tiny bit less boring. If this post gave your some laughs feel free to share it with your producer buddies 🙂
Take care!
– Luis